senile something

A webcomic about life, love, and plagiarism. Updated Monday-Friday. Sometimes.

Month: February, 2013

Taking a Poll

That band sucks too. You're bad at this game.

In which it is impossible to store

Fuck it. Vegetables are overrated anyway.

Science of Sleep

This comic brought to you by zero hours of sleep, which has a caption of "Fuck yeah, wait, fuck nooooooo."

Moving to Australia won’t help.

"Love it or leave it, man" hacky sacks, headbands and hemp products now available at your local coffee shop.

Submit your own “Republican protestor” sign to!

Delivering Bad News 101

People just don't appreciate courtesy anymore.


DESTROY- verb: to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving; injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate; unable to talk, among other things. LITERAL- adj: in accordance with, involving, or being the primary or strict meaning of the word or words; not figurative or metaphorical; suck it.

Sorry, Cecil

Suffering succotash!

To Tame The Beast


Men Are Pigs

Pink dresses probably aren't the uniform of the Women's Lib movement, but what do I know?


I don't like Michael Jackson's "Beat it" that much. Or, at all.

They Learn So Quick

"Overall- Not impressed."

The importance of being punctual

"It's Tuesday. Also, my name is Austin."

Shartistic license

Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore shart thou Romeo?

Every man’s first ultrasound

"You can't fool me, Doctor. I've seen 'Alien' before."


Maybe get some firewater from them stick-injuns.

Rich owners

No one likes any of those things except coffee-- and there's a Starbucks across the street.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn …

And a poorly drawn girl, at that!

Spoiled ‘mericans

In certain parts of the country they stamp "evil" as well.

White History Month

Woah, woah, woah! Can we rename Christmas "Crackermas?"

Voice mail prank

This is on par with shitty songs playing during the ring back and saying "have a blessed day" at the end of your voice message.